Dungeon Siege II (also known as DS2) is an action adventure role-playing game, sequel to 2002’s popular Dungeon Siege. The game was developed by Gas Powered Games and released on August 16, 2005. The story is a continuation of the Dungeon Siege storyline. The expansion pack Dungeon Siege II: Broken World was released on August 2006.
Dungeon Siege II+Broken World Game Trailer
PC System Requirements:
- Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP1 or newer
- Processor: PC with 1.0 GHz equivalent or higher processor
- RAM Memory: 256 MB
- HDD Space: 4 GB
- Graphics Card: ATI Radeon™ series 7000 or better / Nvidia® Geforce series / Intel Extreme Graphics 82845, 82865, 82915
- Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
- Broadband Internet access or LAN for online play
Dungeon Siege II+Broken World Direct Download Link
file size: 2.95 GiB
Dungeon Siege II+Broken World Free Download
Brilliant, thanks everso!
Hi there,
Dungeon Siege won’t download – just looks for a bit then moves on to the next on the list (utorrent) and flags it up with a red arrow…
Any help?
Hi S Buzzard,
We tested the download link and still downloading… please check again…
Sorry, scratch that, it appears to be working all of a sudden.
Ta everso
By the way – amazing website to all.
Scratch the scratch that comment pls. It’s broken or intermittent or both.
Any help?
How do I crack this exactly?
Install immediately asks for serial.
This is a simple compilation of all the ds2 disks and the expansion into
one dvd image. full credit to reloaded for the cracks and serials, all I
did was wrap it up.
1. Burn or mount with daemon tools.
2. Install the game, when prompted for a serial enter the following:
3. Run the expansion installer from the /Broken World directory, when
prompted for a serial enter one of the following:
3. Copy over the cracked content located in the /Broken World/Crack
directory to your installation directory.
4. Play the game.
No mice arrive on the game
Not sure what you mean but if you are having problems on your mouse you can try this search…