To The Moon is a 2011 story-based role-playing adventure game developed and published by Freebird Games. To The Moon was originally released on November 1, 2011 for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. To The Moon is set in the near future where an unnamed technology is invented that allows people to enter the memory of others while sleeping.
To The Moon Game Trailer/ScreenShots
To The Moon System Requirements
Minimum :
- OS: Windows XP
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 1.5 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 1500+
- Memory: 64 Mb
- Hard Drive: 100 Mb free
- Video Memory: 64 Mb
- Video Card: DirectX Compatible
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c
- Keyboard
- Mouse
Recommended :
- OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Processor: Intel Pentium 4 @ 2.0 GHz / AMD Athlon XP 2200+
- Memory: 1 Gb
- Hard Drive: 100 Mb free
- Video Memory: 128 Mb
- Video Card: nVidia GeForce FX 5500 / ATI Radeon 9500
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0c
- Keyboard
- Mouse
To The Moon Direct Download Link
file size: 718.47 MiB
To The Moon Free Download