The Escapists: The Walking Dead is a standalone spin-off sequel to The Escapists developed by Team17. It merges the core gameplay of The Escapists with the characters, locations and theme of The Walking Dead comic books. The Escapists: The Walking Dead was releasaed on 1 Oct, 2015 via steam for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Game Description:
Merging the award-winning, smash-hit, indie game The Escapists with the worldwide phenomenon that is The Walking Dead, comes The Escapists: The Walking Dead. In this unique game, recreated entirely in the charming 8-bit pixel art style of The Escapists, you play as Rick Grimes as he takes on hordes of walkers let loose upon the world.
More info here:
The Escapists: The Walking Dead Game Trailer
Minimum System Requirements:
- OS: Windows Vista
- Processor: Dual Core CPU 2.5 gHz
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000, Nvidia GeForce 8000, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
- DirectX: Version 10
- Storage: 1 GB available space
- Sound Card: Windows Compatible Card
The Escapists: The Walking Dead Download Link
file size: 573.97 MB
The Escapists: The Walking Dead Free Download