Scrapland (American McGee Presents: Scrapland) is an action adventure video game developed by Mercury Steam Entertainment S.L. with American McGee (the producer) and published by Enlight Interactive Inc. The game was release for Microsoft Windows on November 4, 2004 and Xbox on February 28, 2005 in North America.
Scrapland Game Trailer/ScreenShots
Scrapland System Requirements
- OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Processor: Pentium 3 @ 800 MHz
- Memory: 256 Mb
- Hard Drive: 1.5 Gb free
- Video Memory: 64 Mb
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 8.0
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- DVD Rom Drive
Scrapland Direct Download Link
file size: 1009.19 MiB
Scrapland Free Download