Jurassic Park: The Game is an episodic graphic adventure based on the Jurassic Park film franchise. It was developed by Telltale Games as part of a licensing deal with Universal Pictures. The plot of the game takes place during and after the plot of the first film. The game was first released on November 15, 2011 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, iOS PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360.
Jurassic Park: The Game Game Trailer
Jurassic Park: The Game System Requirements
- OS: XP Service Pack 3 / Vista / Windows 7
- Processor: 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent
- Memory: 2 GB RAM
- Hard Disk Space: 2 GB Space Free
- Video Card: ATI or NVidia card w/ 256 MB RAM
- DirectX®: Direct X 9.0c
- Sound: Direct X 8.1 sound device
Jurassic Park: The Game Direct Download Link
file size: 2.59 GB
Jurassic Park: The Game Free Download