Evil Genius is a real-time strategy, simulation video game developed by Elixir Studios and published by Sierra Entertainment. Evil Genius revolves around planning and maintaining a secret underground base, training minions, managing henchmen, and committing acts of infamy around the globe. Evil Genius was released on September 28, 2004 for Microsoft Windows PC’s.
Evil Genius Game Trailer
Evil Genius System Requirements
- OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
- Processor: 800 MHz
- Memory: 128 Mb
- Hard Drive: 300 Mb free
- Video Memory: 16 Mb
- Video Card: DirectX Compatible
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0
- Keyboard
- Mouse
Evil Genius Direct Download Link
file size: 1.61 GiB
Evil Genius Free Download
so the window 7 doesn’t work?
Hello darksin,
You can try using the compatibility mode…